We welcome contributions from others on the site and hope that you will add you comments to the pages and posts as they develop. However, some of you will have your own stories to tell which really need more than a comment box.
If you want to contribute a guest post, we’d love to hear from you. Here are some of the things we’ll be bearing in mind as we decide what to add to the site.
– does your story relate to a specific pair of knickers? This is the structure we’d like to use for the site, but we don’t want to put up artificial barriers if a number of knickers come together (you can wear more than one pair at once…)
– does your story have messages and advice for readers? Group therapy is great and we indulge in it regularly, but positivity is the way forwards. Try to draw out the best advice and upbeat messages. Help us and others to learn from the mistakes or challenges you’ve faced.
– can your story inspire the next generation? This idea came from a wonderful post by fillenumerique in which she distilled a huge amount of thinking and reflecting about resilience into messages for young professional women. With three daughters I’d like this site to be something they feel inspired by (although don’t feel any pressure to engage the 2 year old as she is most impressed by Peppa Pig and pirates).
– can you tell your story without being derogatory about others and without using language which might offend? We aren’t prudes but we respect the fact that some people are uncomfortable with strong language. As noted above, it would be great if some of our readers were younger and could be influenced and inspired by the stories they find here.
– is your story a celebration of enterprising women? ‘Nuff said.
So please, join us!
Contact us for more details or find us on twitter via our bios page.